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Gellifaelog Primary School

Gellifaelog Primary School

Together we

Our Value of the Month is:

23rd November 2022


Dear Parent/Carer, 


Christmas Arrangements  2022


Please find below a summary of the arrangements for the Christmas period this year.  We are aware that our term ends really close to Christmas Day and have attempted to create opportunities for celebration for the children, given that family time in the lead up to Christmas Day is less this year. We have also been mindful of the cost of living crisis we are all facing, so are trying to keep costs to a minimum.  


Christmas Concerts 


We are delighted to host families for Christmas concerts this year! Staff and children are already working hard on preparations and I know it will be an exciting time for not only the children, but for you to see your child/children perform in what might be their very first concert! 

We have tried to be as fair as possible by choosing 2 dates per phase, both day and early evening, to cater for all.  

(You may notice that dates have changed from our Facebook post due to Classes 5-8 visiting the Pantomime that day) 


Dates & times for Concerts


Nursery: Wednesday 7th December 9.30am 


Classes 1-4:(Including Nursery children in Class 1) Monday 12th December 2pm 


Classes 5-8: Tuesday 13th December 4pm 


Classes 5-8: Wednesday 14th December 2pm


Classes 1-4:(Including Nursery children in Class 1) Thursday 15th December 4pm 


You will notice that the evening concert is close to the end of the school day. When your child is taking part in an evening (4pm) performance, we are suggesting that children be given an extra snack/drink to come to school that day, for them to stay in school until the performance starts, giving parents time to pick up siblings and wait for the doors to open.  Concerts will last no more than 1 hour (which means children will be home at a reasonable time for tea). 


As mentioned previously, we are mindful of the cost of living crisis so will not be charging ticket entry, however, we will have a raffle, with the winner announced at the end of each concert. (Proceeds will go to our School Council who have big plans to buy resources to improve our playtimes). 


Other important dates for your diary 


Christmas Dinner- Thursday 8th December 


Santa Visit for Nursery- Class 4 Wednesday 14th December  


Pantomime for classes 5-8 Thursday 15th December ‘Beauty & the Beast at Swansea Grand (bus will leave school at 8.30am, so prompt arrival at school is essential) 


Christmas Fayre- Monday 19th December (times TBC) 


Christmas Parties- Thursday 22nd December (during school time) 


Children can wear Christmas jumpers/party clothes on the special days stated above.  


Last day of school Friday 23rd December 


Monday 9th January 2023 is an INSET day


Pupils return to school on Tuesday 10th January 2023


As you can see, we have a very exciting time ahead and I am looking forward to celebrating my first Christmas at Gellifaelog! 


Yours Sincerely,


Mrs Waythe

(Deputy Headteacher)