Gellifaelog Primary School
Together we
Thank you for choosing to send your child to our school. Our Nursery class is based on the principle that young children learn best through play and in a happy learning environment.
Ready for School
1. I can use the toilet independently
2. I can wash and dry my own hands
3. I can blow my own nose
4. I can ask for help if I feel unwell.
1. I can put my own coat on and off
2. I can put my own shoes on and off
3. I can open my own packed lunch
4. I can use a knife and fork
5. I can sit at a table when I eat.
Social and Emotional
1. I can interact and play games with others
2. I try to be a good friend
3. I can problem solve
4. I have persistence
5. I am willing to try
6. I am able to turn take and share
7. I am confident being away from Mummy and Daddy
8. I am able to express my emotions, thoughts and needs.
Top Tips
Games/Learning Resources