Gellifaelog Primary School
Together we
Parent Information - Christmas Events Dates
Monday 11th-November Remembrance Assembly-We will mark remembrance as a school community at 11AM – Pupils may wish to
bring their poppy, or poppy items, to school.
Tuesday 12th November- To launch Anti-Bullying Week. Pupils can wear odd socks to school if they wish.
Friday 15th November-Children in Need Day Children can wear pyjamas or nonuniform. Pupils in Dosbarth Enfys, Oren, Melyn
and Glas can bring £1 to access activities organised by our Year 6 pupils. Pupils in Dosbarth Gwyrdd, Porffor, Pinc and Coch can bring small change to take part in activities.
Friday 6th December Festive Daily Mile Children can bring a Christmas hat, wear something festive for when they do their
daily mile exercise!
Tuesday 10th December- Concerts
10am-11am-Concert for Dosbarth Gwyrdd, Porffor, Pinc and Coch.
2pm- 3pm Concert for Dosbarth Enfys, Oren, Melyn, Glas
Wednesday 11th December- Concerts
10am-11am- Concert for Dosbarth Enfys, Oren, Melyn, Glas
2-pm-3pm- Concert for Dosbarth Gwyrdd, Porffor, Pinc and Coch.
Thursday 12th December- Concerts
10am-11am-Concert for Dosbarth Enfys, Oren, Melyn, Glas
2-pm-3pm- Concert for Dosbarth Gwyrdd, Porffor, Pinc and Coch.
Friday 13th December-Save the Children, Christmas Jumper Day
Pupils are welcome to wear a Christmas Jumper, and welcome to bring a money donation if they wish.
Monday 16th December-Christmas Party and Christmas Disco
In school time – Pupils can bring a party plate (No refrigerated foods, no foods with nuts) and wear their party clothes,
Christmas jumper or “own clothes”.
Tuesday 17th December A special visit from]Santa
3:30pm– 4:30pm Family Fun Event with
the Community Focussed Schools Team Flyer and booking information to follow.
Wednesday 18th December Christmas Dinner Day Booking via ParentPay in advance is essential. Children are welcome to wear
their jumpers again if they wish.
Thursday 19th December Last Day of term and
Toy Day. Pupils can bring a toy to school – no
expensive items or electronics, please.
Friday 20th December-INSET Day No school for pupils
Monday 6th January 2025-INSET Day No school for pupils
Tuesday 7th January 2025- First day of the Spring Term